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His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih V [Caliph of the Messiah], is the head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He is the fifth successor to the Promised Messiah and Reformer, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. The holy office of the Khalifatul-Masih was established in 1908 after the demise of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. 

The role of the Khalifatul-Masih is to further the cause of the Promised Messiah whom Ahmadi Muslims believe to be the prophet of the latter days, as foretold and awaited by the majority of religions today.


Since being elected as the Khalifatul-Masih, His Holiness has led a worldwide campaign to convey the peaceful message of Islam, through all forms of print and digital media. Under his leadership, national branches of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have launched campaigns that reflect the true and peaceful teachings of Islam. Ahmadi Muslims around the world are engaged in grassroot efforts to convey a message of peace to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, host interfaith and peace symposia, and present exhibitions of the Holy Qur’an to disseminate its true and noble message


“Our Jihad is of love, mercy and compassion. Our Jihad is of tolerance, justice and human sympathy. Our Jihad is to fulfil the rights of God Almighty and His creation.”

His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad


Boris Johnson

I applaud the efforts of the AMA to strive for peace and to build bridges between diverse communities… I therefore applaud the AMA ethos `Love for All Hatred for None’. That underpins all their work”

Justin Trudeau

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community plays a vital role in promoting the positive diversity that is at the heart of Canada’s success as a nation. In your work, in your communities and internationally, you reflect the best of Canadian values.”

Theresa May

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is known throughout the world for its commitment to serving humanity. Many members work hard to alleviate poverty, provide education to children in the developing world and help areas recover from natural disasters through the charity Humanity First.

Sir Ed Davey

“Well the message from the Khalifah and from the Community, ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’ is a message, I hope, that the communities around the world, countries around the world, leaders around the world could actually follow… And he and his critical role is a real strong voice in the world for peace”


Jeremy Corbyn

“The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community best stands for the value of education, openness, integration and interfaith peace. It is only by communities coming together that we can achieve world peace and understanding. “


Sir Vince Cable

“It is very important that we have a spiritual leader from the Muslim faith (Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad) here in the UK who preaches peace and harmony. It is very important, as I think there are probably a lot of British people who have been led to believe that Islam is violent and have a very negative perception of it, and so I think what His Holiness is saying is a very powerful antidote to that view.